Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is it fall yet?

According to my mom's beautiful table it certainly is.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Something old, something blue

The kitchen is a huge project. And on my best days I am only up for something little. What something little you ask? How about transforming an old table into something new with a bit of teal paint? I should really have prefaced this with - I found this amazing throw pillow that made me want to transform my living room. If you have known me for a while you know that my living room has always been black and white with a bit of red. Well, I bet you are just as ready for a change as I am. What are the new colors? An assortment! Teal- coffee table, Purple - love seat (from my wonderful mama.), Green/Sage- perhaps we need a new couch as we gave two of our three couches to James/Elisa/Wes, Gold-highlighted on the table (but not quite yet) as well as with some aged brass antiques that have been handed down to me, and Deep Red/ the current curtains.

Another thing that some of you know and some of you don't, is that I like to get way ahead of myself. Currently the living room is filled with kitchen cabinets that may or may-not be in the kitchen by December. Let's hope for the best there. In other words this living room redo might happen in small items like the coffee table and throw pillows but will not be fully executed until spring. So don't get your panties in a twist if you don't see any progress on that front for a while.

An explanation about the title- my great-grandmother made this table out of an old washing machine and a piece of plywood. 

Temporary Kitchen - almost as good as the real thing

I thought you all might be wondering how we are getting by with months and months of not having a kitchen. We are getting by great actually. It helps that I can't eat ( maybe I should ask Colin if we really are getting by great since he still has to eat). The way we are doing it is simple. We set up a temporary kitchen in the study which had several spare shelves (since we like the library more than spending money). We have everything we need: microwave, fridge,the esspresso maker, the toaster, plates and such, cups, utensils, food, my professional mixer, my new juicer (again with that liquid diet - bet your getting tired of me huh?), and even a dinning room table and two chairs- which also acts as the counter for chopping and prep. Oh and real cooking you ask? We have a burner on our grill which has come in very handy. So glad we chose that upgrade. Now that it is getting a little bit cooler we are going to bring the camping stove indoors for our cool weather cooking needs.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Walls! But not yet four ( I mean three) and maybe a bit of floor

This weekend James and Wes came and helped Colin with some items in the kitchen. They installed the dry wall on the kitchen sink wall and earlier (in the sick zone when I don't remember exactly when) they put up the dry wall on the east wall. Wow getting closer. We need one and half more walls and then we will be done with the drywall install and we can begin to mud and tape and paint (Valspar Antique White for those of you who want to know.) Colin got the floor drain installed for the water heater closet. ( Oh darn I forgot about the water heater closet!- that will need to be framed and drywalled - I jumped the gun on the drywall being almost done.) And he got some of the sub floor back in place.
James installing the furring strips before hanging the dry wall - notice the sink?-Nope, cause it is outside.

Floor drain in case our water heater or our indirect water heater (that attaches to the hot water solar panels) explode.

New sub floor- only a few pieces to go and we will have a whole floor instead of a hole floor.

Oh we love the old sink - for now

So we are a bit obsessed with keeping the old sink. We had to take it out to put some drywall in but no later than four hours and Colin had reinstalled it. Yay!

gastonomique to gastroparesis:the stomach saga

For all who check the blog: I am so sorry it has been so long. I have been having a terrible time - if that makes you feel any better. So what has been happening that has caused me to neglect the blog. Tummy troubles, that is what. My tummy has been one unhappy camper for the last few months and it escalated to me eating nothing but liquids. So in other words drinking my food (not so Yummy.) I have been diagnoses with gastro paresis which means my stomach muscles are paralyzed and can't digest my food, so I have been in bed and too tired to write. But I got a B12 injection today and it is like having instant energy. So I will give you all so updates on the kitchen ( there has not been much since I have been sick and am not motivating Colin as much as I used to.) For pictures sake here are pics of my new hair cut (my hair is falling out - yikes).